Battle Creek Heritage Park

Battle Creek Heritage Park is a historical landmark located just south of Battle Creek, Nebraska, on Nebraska Highway 121. After years of neglect, the park has been revived for the town's 150th-anniversary in 2023.

A group of dedicated volunteers initiated the park's revival by renovating an old doctor's office into a heritage museum. Plans also include restoring the historic Joseph and Katherine Severa Skala house (built in 1869) and an old movie theater over the next three to four years. The park's rejuvenation includes the addition of cement walkways, benches, and informative markers, all compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Thanks to a grant from the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum, the park now boasts beautiful gardens featuring 341 plants, 42 bushes, and trees. These enhancements provide a serene and historically rich environment that aligns with the town's vision for the park. 

Battle Creek Heritage Park represents a community-driven effort to revive a neglected historical treasure. With its restored buildings, landscaped gardens, and accessible amenities, the park is poised to become a beloved historical destination and peaceful retreat for residents and visitors. The project's success reflects the dedication of the organizers and the community's commitment to preserving their town's history and providing a serene place to relax and connect with the past.

In the News...

Norfolk Daily News, Battle Creek’s 150th celebration kicks off with focus on history, by Kathryn Harris, August 4, 2023

Omaha World-Herald, Battle Creek transforming park as part of 150th anniversary celebration, by Marjie Ducey, August 1, 2023

KOLN, Arboretum brings native plants to towns across Nebraska, by Grace McDonald, July 28, 2023

Norfolk Daily News, Battle Creek park recognized by State Arboretum, November 7, 2023